Go & Serve

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

We are passionate about showing neighborhoods and nations who Jesus is. Whether it is down the street or around the world, we can tangibly express God’s love for humanity through our service and sharing. Join in as Berlin extends the mission of the church beyond the walls of a building and shares the love of Christ both in our local communities and in the nations of the world. There are several ways and opportunities throughout the year to get involved in the mission of the church. Please take some time to read below and reach out if you have questions.

mission opportunities

Local and National Missions

We are blessed with several different ways to minister to our community as well as our nation. Serve the local school system, volunteer with ACTS food ministry, or participate in mission trips to Miami, FL, or West Virginia.

Global Missions

Jesus commanded his disciples to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. We are currently building a partnership with Igreja Batista Vinde, a church plant in Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil.

Serve in God's church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Every follower of Jesus Christ is endowed with at least one spiritual gift by virtue of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Scripture reminds us that we are blessed to use these various spiritual gifts for the purpose of glorifying God and edifying the body of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 12-14).

Questions about going or serving?

We love to clarify requirements for going or serving.
Please reach out if you still have questions.